Find your business’ growth potential with Kantata.

We’re here to help. We just need a few things to get started.

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Follow the prompts to see your revenue potential by optimizing your resource utilization.

Note: all responses are confidential, not saved, and only used for this exercise.


Kantata clients often see a 10-50% improvement in utilization


How many billable resources do you have?BILLABLE RESOURCES

Billable resources are the number of employees who complete work for which you can charge your clients an hourly rate.

What's your average billable resource utilization rate?BILLABLE


The average utilization rate for PS firms is 70.7%.

The high performing utilization rate for PS firms is 75.7%.

What’s your average hourly rate?HOURLY RATE



Average rates by industry:

IT — $200/hr
Agency — $155/hr
Consulting — $188/hr

Great, it looks like your annual services revenue is:



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Let's optimize that

Improving your billable utilization rate can have a significant impact on revenue. Use the slider below to see your potential.

Kantata clients often see a 10-50% improvement in utilization

According to SPI the average utilization rate for high performing PS firms is 75.7%. Use this slider to see how a small change can have a big impact.UTILIZATION RATE SLIDER





See how Kantata is transforming businesses like yours.
TeleTracking increased billable utilization by 37% with Kantata
TeleTracking increased billable utilization by 37% with Kantata
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The business benefits and financial impact of Kantata according to Forrester
The business benefits and financial impact of Kantata according to Forrester
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Follow the prompts to see your revenue potential by optimizing your resource utilization.

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