Celebrating Women in Technology: Q&A With Jen Dodos, VP of Marketing at Kantata

In honor of Women’s History Month, we are sharing a collection of candid Q&As with women at Kantata who are leading the way in the industry. Each conversation highlights their impressive achievements and unique experiences in the technology industry.
In this Q&A, we spoke with Jen Dodos, VP of Marketing at Kantata, about her unique career path, her role in Kantata’s successful merger, and more.
1. How did you navigate your career path to reach your current executive role at Kantata, and what advice would you give aspiring women leaders?
Navigating my career path was less intentional than it likely is for most. Early on, I focused more on finding roles for a specific project solving a particular business challenge or new initiative. I helped build and launch an annual fundraising program, and then it launched a new product and service line. I loved solving problems and doing new things, and grew into launching new venture-backed tech companies. I loved the fast pace of early-stage companies, especially the constant challenge of the status quo and openness to new ideas. I was, and still am, always learning – a new industry, the latest marketing tech, and tactics, or something about myself – and that set the foundation for my career.
My advice to aspiring women leaders is to embrace curiosity, be open to making mistakes, and, most importantly, have the confidence to challenge the status quo and trust your instincts – they are almost always right. And more importantly, when you find something you love, stick with it. Life is too short to do otherwise.
2. How do you balance professional responsibilities and personal well-being, and what strategies have you found effective in maintaining a healthy work-life integration?
Maintaining a healthy work /life balance is a continuously evolving enterprise that requires care and feeding. As individuals, we inherently have different views and definitions. Employers today are so much more attuned to the needs of employees and provide the flexibility we need to succeed. The key is knowing what is important to me and having the discipline to set boundaries to protect it. As life changes, I find I need to flex one way or the other to take care of my parents or deliver a strategic project, but at this stage in my career, I know that I can’t do either well if I sacrifice one for the other.
3. Can you speak on any of your recent accomplishments? What are you most proud of in your work at Kantata?
Kantata was born out of a merger of two competing companies about two years ago. As you can imagine, managing through all the changes a merger brings is no small feat. I am really proud of how our team has embraced the change, adapted, and very quickly launched our new brand (which came on the heels of a different rebrand the previous year). I am lucky to be a part of this team and grateful for your continued support and commitment to our work.
4. In honor of Women’s History Month, can you highlight a woman leader who has inspired or influenced your career, and how did their impact shape your leadership style?
I had the great fortune of meeting Wanda Salas very early in my career. At the time, she was a pioneer in advocating for the advancement of women in business. She never wavered from what she thought was right for the business. Most people considered her opinionated, set in her ways, difficult to work with, and demanding. She was fiercely loyal, assertive, committed to excellence, and direct. To this day, I still think of her often. I didn’t realize it then, but her example gave me the courage to stand up for myself, never settle for average and speak up if I had an idea or a different viewpoint. Thanks to Wanda, I can ask for what I want or need. Sometimes, I get it, and other times, I do not, but I know that the worst thing that can happen is that the answer will be “no.”
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Jen is one of many women at Kantata who are driving results both within their organization and within the technology industry. To hear more stories from the women at Kantata, browse the entire Women in Technology series here. And to learn more about career opportunities at Kantata, visit this page.