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Upgrade Your Business Intelligence Tools

Upgrade Your Business Intelligence Tools

UPDATEDAug 31, 2023

Are you reluctant to use the business intelligence software capabilities in your tech stack? Do you have to rely on disconnected third-party solutions to handle what should be basic software features? If so, it may be time to upgrade your suite of business intelligence tools. Here are some of the top features to look for as you shop around.

Customize Your Tool Set

Not everything is one size fits all. The same is true for business intelligence tools. The last thing you need when choosing business intelligence software is a ton of extraneous features that you’ll never use. Don’t get bogged down by all the bells and whistles and stick with a dependable and proven solution (and maybe a few niche speciality tools).

Customizable business intelligence tools can be altered to tailor fit your specific needs. You get to choose which features stay front and center and which stay firmly in the background. Downsizing your toolset has the added bonus of making it easier to master and increases the likelihood of you and team members using it. After all, everyone loves a streamlined user experience.

Increase Visibility

How do you feel about your current set of business intelligence tools? Are they easy to use and access? Or do you feel like you constantly have to relearn the program to find the most basic tools? If the second situation resonates with you, consider upgrading to a suite of business intelligence tools that prioritizes visibility.

Prioritizing visibility is more than just ensuring everything is visible to users. At its roots, visibility is about ease of access. Even if certain information isn’t visible on screen, finding its location should be intuitive. Creating a custom project dashboard can be one method to solve this, but overall your business intelligence tools should make features easy to view, find, and access.

Collect and Implement Data

The world runs on data and it’s time for you to start utilizing it. Rather than just collecting data for future use, your business intelligence tools should be capable of analyzing data trends and even providing resource recommendations that are shaped to your unique business needs.

Using business intelligence tools to collect and analyze data allows you to make fully informed decisions with evidence to support your position. This can be paramount when conversing with clients or when recommending plans of action to superiors. Strengthen your choices with cold hard facts AND your business acumen.

Automate Reports

While gathering and collecting data is a useful feature, it can be difficult to interpret or even remember to regularly analyze it. When you do interpret the data, it may become difficult to remember what numbers you need to focus on and which numbers are just supplementary information. Using business intelligence tools to automate reports keeps you in the loop without demanding your focus to constantly create and customize the insights you need.

Simply set a timeframe and data parameters to start receiving automated reports about project progress, revenue and budget changes, resource utilization rates, and more. Automated reports help you stay on top of everything without losing yourself in a sea of data. Automated reporting is also a great way to benchmark project performance that you can then share with clients and team members.

Centralized Project Hubs

Are you sick of constantly importing data and documents across platforms? Upgrading your business intelligence tools may be the answer. Finding a suite of business intelligence tools that supports cross-platform data integration can help you to keep all of your project information in one easily accessible location.

Losing and finding project data is a major time waster. Business intelligence tools can help eliminate this by providing a centralized project hub that is compatible with your most commonly used software. Don’t let important documents get lost in your inbox. Instead, utilize business intelligence tools to act as your anchor and command center.

Integrated Insights with Real Results 

Data is king for professional services. Kantata business intelligence tools gather all of your operational data in one easily accessible program.

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