How to Build a Compelling Business Case for Kantata
A powerful business case requires a before-and-after storyA return on investment (ROI) analysis is an expected exercise when considering investing in software, as it is a significant business decision with financial implications. However, presenting ROI in isolation doesn't work
Therefore, to make an effective business case for Kantata, it’s best to present decision-makers with the following “before-and-after story.”

Systems and tools that are used by sales and scoping teams to collaborate on project proposals
Methods used to assess deal margin
Methods used to staff projects and track utilization
Process for assessing the financial impact of change orders and associated approval processes
Tools used for capturing billable time and expenses against projects
Description of the period close process and what controls exist to ensure billing accuracy and completeness
Access to and availability of accurate, actionable data
Forecasting methods used to assess future services demand

Delays in the sales cycle
Missed customer expectations resulting from projects that start late
Unacceptable levels of unbillable hours
Recurring panic at month end as deals are unexpectedly pushed into future periods
Revenue leakage due to late time cards and out-of-policy expenses

What to include

Assess the financial implications of improvements Kantata would drive compared to the cost of adopting the solution, and use this ROI analysis to provide relevant financial metrics to support the benefits you’ve described.
To give you an idea of sample outcomes you might build your business case around, download The Total Economic Impact of Kantata, an assessment of cost savings and business benefits of using the Kantata Professional Services CloudTM conducted by Forrester Consulting. This study, based on interviews with Kantata customers, determined that businesses that use The Kantata Professional Services Cloud experienced a myriad of benefits.
Improved utilization of billable resources by 10%
Increased overall project margin by 8%
Improved financial cycle closing efficiency by 50%
Improved consultant admin efficiency by 75%
Over $1.8 million in saved costs from decommissioned systems and admin resources
Achieved 489% return on investment (ROI)